Thursday, December 30, 2010

Reminder for our friends and fellow Optimists

Reminder that there is no meeting again this coming Monday 1/3/11 due to the holiday.

The next meeting will be a Board Meeting on Saturday, January 8th at 7:30 am at the Sunrise.

Have a safe and happy New Year!!

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Wii Charter Banquet a Success

The Wii Charter Party Installation Banquet was a great success with 35-plus in attendance. Rocky Jackson, Vice President, Optimist International and Linda Jackson, Governor 2009-2010, Pacific Northwest District presented President Pat Halpin with the club banner and bell and gavel as well as the President’s charter and Club Charter.

We appreciated the presence and support of Caldwell Optimist Club President, Anita Welchel and members and Meridian Club Secretary/Treasurer Bill Garcia and members.

Our keynote speaker, Dr. Vincent Muli Wa Kituku, delivered an inspiring message recognizing Optimist Club members for their effort and work towards making a difference in the lives of kids. He shared childhood memories and experiences, which were lacking in material things but rich in dreams. Some important points to remember were that poverty is not about not having things, poverty is not having dreams; and one person alone may not be able to do a lot to overcome the challenges that threaten youth, but the organized efforts of many can increase the chance of success. Mr. Kituku is a supporter of Optimist Football and a supporter of youth’s dreams. You can find out more at

The children had a great time playing and competing in Wii bowling and Wii golf. The winners were Kaydence (last name not available) and Anthony Cabrera in the children’s tournament and Robert Boguslawski won both adult tournaments.

Mr. Kituku drew the winning ticket for the 55” TV. The winner was Gretchen Brown of Integrity Financial in Eagle. She was very pleased and seemed to be in shock stating “I’ve never won anything”. Well you can’t say that any more, Gretchen. Congratulations!!

Many thanks to everyone who helped make this success possible. Thank you Sybil Arnett who regaled us with her beautiful voice and thank you Mrs. Bertlesen for her accompaniment on the piano. Thank you to Oregon Trail Church of God for being such gracious hosts. Thank you to Bob Arnett who worked tirelessly all evening to ensure things ran smoothly. And a BIG thank you to all of you who supported the TV raffle fundraiser by purchasing tickets.
Let your optimism come true this holiday season. Happy Holidays

Friday, November 19, 2010

Middleton Area Optimist Club to receive charter from Optimist International

We're holding a Wii Charter Party to celebrate our association with the Pacific Northwest District - Optimist International. We hope that everyone will join us on December 11, 2010, 6:00 p.m., at the Oregon Trail Church of God for dinner and fun.

Please click on the flyer to learn all about it and then follow the form below to register online.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Save The Date!!

We had another great meeting with 13 members in attendance. We have set December 11th as the date for the Installation Banquet. Details will be worked out at the Board meeting this Saturday at 7:30 am. Everyone is welcome to the Board meeting. Come join the party planning!

Larry had more information to share about the boxing tournament being sponsored by the Caldwell Optimist Club. The date is December 4th at 6:00 pm at Syringa Middle School Gym. Help is still needed. Contact Larry to sign up for this event which promises to be loads of fun and supports the kids! Isn't that what we are about?

Among other things discussed, Pat threw out the idea of obtaining club T-Shirts. Drea Contreras has enlisted the help of one of her "artsy" creative friends to create a logo for the club.

Don't be a stranger! We miss you at the meetings; you know who you are!

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Meeting Update

The group met November 1st and had further discussion about plans to bring Optimist Football to Middleton. Pat and a couple Board members will be having further discussion with Steve Turner.

Several of the pending projects were discussed. Plans were made to sell TV raffle tickets at Bed Bath and Beyond in Nampa on Friday and Saturday. We also discussed collecting items for our adopted platoon and shared examples. Flo Blackburn graciously volunteered to head this project.

Lets party! We still need to nail down a date for the Installation Banquet and it looks like we are moving into December.

Reminder- Board meeting Saturday November 13th at 7:30 am at the Sunrise.
Sorry, if you visited prior to Friday; there was an error on the Board meeting date. it is the 13th not the 6th. :) Thanks!

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Optimist Football and the Middleton Area

The Middleton Area Optimist Club came together for their regular meeting on October 25. A few of the regular attendees were out of town, but we still gathered with fifteen members to hear about Optimist Football from Middleton resident Steve Turner.

Steve has been the area director for the Middleton program that currently plays through the Nampa facility in the Boise Noon Football league for children up to twelve years of age. He explained how the teams sign-up players, recruit coaches and volunteers and described the potential for bringing weekly games to the Middleton Middle School football fields.  The Middleton Area Optimist Club is interested in participating in the program and President Patrick Halpin will be getting more information from Steve about the real costs and time involvement so the club can make an informed decision on how to proceed.

Also in the spotlight was the Television Raffle. Secretary/Treasurer Estela Cabrera explained that more members needed to step-up to sales or we would soon be at the deadline with not enought tickets sold. If you have not picked up 10 tickets to sell, please do so at our next meeting on Monday, November 1. We'll also have a schedule and locations to sell tickets to the public at that time.

Please be sure to join us on Monday, November 1, 6:30 p.m. at the Sunrise.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Optimist Club hears from the Mayor of Middleton

We had another great turnout for our regular meeting of the Middleton Area Optimist Club on Monday, October 18.  Mayor Vicki Thurber was our guest speaker and she gave us an update on a number of issues and activities impacting our area. She was excited to share how the city was utilizing rural economic development grants from the State of Idaho Department of Commerce and the US Department of Agriculture to make improvements to our infrastructure.  The new street and sidewalks will be joined soon by a new sewer plant and an Idaho Transportation Department project that will connect Middleton Lakes subdivision to with another new subdivision and allow better pedestrian access to the school.

In more economic development news, a tire and lube shop is coming to town and the community may get a community health clinic from an undisclosed charitable organization that is third in line for a grant to help get it started.

Of course of huge concern is the safety of pedestrian children and volunteers have been stepping up to address the traffic issue. Mayor Thurber said that she thought a sign that displayed motorists' speed might be a way to slow drivers down until a more permanent solution could be found.  Such a sign costs approximately $5,100.

Mayor Thurber agreed to draw the winning ticket on or before December 15 as needed for the TV raffle.  President Patrick thanked her for her presentation and Linda Jackson explained that a Friend of Optimist plaque was on its way from Optimist International and that we would honor her with that title when received.

In other business:
The TV Raffle is going well.  Over 200 tickets have been sold. Kim Boguslawski will be at the High School football game this Friday and would love some help to get more tickets sold.  On Saturday, Bob and Sybil Arnett and Peter and Estela Cabrera will take shifts at the Fall Craft Fair to sell tickets. Stop by and give them a hand!  We are also looking for members to help sell tickets at Ridley's on Saturdays.  Please send  Patrick or Estela an email if you can help out.

The club has agreed to adopt a platoon from our area and will be filling boxes with items that soldiers deployed to the Middle East might like to receive such as books, beef jerky, letters and magazines to keep up with current activities, movies, socks, and personal hygiene supplies.

A tentative date for the Middleton Area Optimist Club Charter Party was announced.  However, since it conflicts with another event, we are researching a new date in November.  The party will be fun, with a Wii Tournament for both kids and adults. Christy's Tacos has offered us a terrific deal for catering this event (adults $10 and children $5) You won't want to miss this party.  We'll keep you posted!

We also welcomed new member Don Bertelson this week. Nice to meet you Don!

Many thanks to our excellent secretary/treasurer Estela Cabrera for helping with this post. In fact, you can read the complete minutes from the meeting here.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Join us for the fun and information

The Board of Directors met on Saturday, October11. They are planning the Charter Party for Friday, November 12.  The party will have a Wii theme and both kids and adults will be invited to participate in tournaments and fun.  Be sure to watch for more information as the details are being worked out.

We also hope that you will join us on Monday, October 18.  Mayor Vicki Thurber will be our guest at our regular meeting at 6:30 p.m. at the Sunrise Cafe.

See you there!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Reaching out to the community

We had another great turnout for our regular meeting on Monday, October 4. Thanks to everyone who was there to learn more about what's happening in our community!  Joe Rodriguez joined us as a new member this week. Welcome!

In addition to our members, Tory Von Wolfe was on hand to talk about the proposed Middleton Community Center.  He is certainly a passionate speaker and wants to create something useful for the residents of the community.  To date, the community center committee has been crowd sourcing ideas and volunteers.  The small band of officers and a few volunteers have created a website, prepared an architectural rendering of the building and applied for 501 (c)(3) charitable status from the IRS. They continue to look for volunteers who will devote time to make the project a reality.  Mr. Von Wolfe explained that many organizations are interested in using the facilities for meetings and that many programs have been discussed from seniors to children. We'll be watching and discussing in an effort to learn more about how the Optimist Club may be able to be of service.

Julie Halpin and the TV raffle
In Optimist Club business, President Patrick reported that the raffle ticket sales for the 55" flat screen television were underway.  Nearly $400 was raised last Friday evening at the Oregon Trail Church barbecue. Many thanks to Pastor Bertelson and his congregation for allowing us to be a part of their event.  And a special shout-out to Bob Arnett for making sure we were there and preparing a great display about the Optimist Club.  Well done friends.  

The school district has graciously allowed us the opportunity to sell raffle tickets at the high school football game this Friday, October 8.  Patrick and Julie Halpin will be there and would love your help!  Please email Patrick to let him know that you will be there. 

On Saturday, October 9 Estela and Peter Cabrera have volunteered to sell tickets at Ridley's.  Thanks to Ridley's for allowing us the opportunity.   If you have some time on Saturday, why not give them a hand? Send an email to Patrick to let him know that you want to help.  

Our first monthly board of directors meeting will also be held this Saturday, October 9, 7:30 a.m., at the Sunrise. All members are welcome to attend.  Topics to be discussed include the possibility of using the Oregon Trail Church gymnasium and public space for Optimist Club programs and planning our charter installation banquet. 

And finally, last but not least - next Monday is a national holiday and that  means no meeting for the Optimist Club.  Our next regular meeting will be held on Monday, October 18.  Mayor Vicki Thurber will be our guest speaker.  

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Optimists learn about new Middleton High School

Dr. Richard Bauscher was the guest speaker at the Middleton Area Optimist Club meeting on September 27.  Dr. Bauscher spoke to a very interested group about the progress on the new Middleton High School and shared architectural renderings of the development.

Of great interest was traffic control and the Optimist Club volunteered their help and support to make this campus and all school campuses as safe as possible.

It was also interesting to learn that the school will hold over 1,500 students so there is room for growth. The football, soccer and tennis courts were discussed. The high school does not currently have a tennis program, but one is being started in the middle school to feed into the system.

The school will also have an auditorium with theater style seating for 900 and rooms for band, orchestra and chorus.

President Patrick Halpin thanked Dr. Bauscher for his presentation. In other business, the club will be selling TV raffle tickets at the Oregon Trail Church barbecue on Saturday. Members are invited to attend.  The church has offered that the Optimist Club may use their gymnasium as a community center and for meetings. This will be discussed at the next meeting along with some other quick projects to get the club moving.

An invitation has been extended to Tory Von Wolfe, President, Middleton Community Center Board to address the next meeting on October 4, 2010.  Hope to see you there.

And in conclusion, two more members joined our club. Welcome to Drea Contreras and Don Bertelson.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Making plans and taking action

The latest Middleton Area Optimist Club meeting was full of fun and friendship as potential new members visited and decided to join our cause.  Welcome to Bob Arnett,  Sybil Arnett, and Dr. Steven Killion.
Click to enlarge and print.

Action items at this meeting:

  • President Patrick discussed the Optimist Club's first fundraiser and showed us the 52" flat screen television that the lucky winner will receive. Raffle tickets were printed by All Boxed Up and Julie and Sherin distributed them to the group. There are 1,000 tickets to be sold at $5 each. The drawing will be held when all tickets are spoken for or approximately December 15, 2010.  Members are reminded to complete the ticket, please get your purchaser's contact information including an email address.  There is not a stub to give the purchaser. 
  • Larry discussed what he had learned about the community center plans. They have a website and a board of directors. They are wishing for support, but the type of support needed was unclear. Patrick will try to contact the group to find out more. Members were interested in learning about the City's involvement in the project. 
  • Linda asked the club to consider holding the Optimist Essay Contest and it was concluded that if a chairperson was identified, that the club would proceed.
  • Larry shared a project that the Caldwell Optimist Club did during the last deployment of the 116th Brigade to Iraq. The club thought this might be something to pursue and will discuss it further at the first Board Meeting on October 9.
  • Cathleen volunteered to take over bulletin/blog writing and Linda will be getting with her to teach her how to use this website before the Board Meeting. 

The next meeting will be held on Monday, September 27, 6:30 p.m. Dr. Richard Bauscher, Superintendent, Middleton School District will be the guest speaker. 

We're looking forward to seeing more new faces and meeting more new friends at our next meeting.  See you there!

Friday, September 17, 2010

What a great meeting!

Eighteen members plus a few guests were on hand Monday for the first official meeting of the Middleton Area Optimist Club with newly elected President Patrick Halpin presiding.  After the pledge and prayer, the meeting began with notice that the club has already reached 25 members! Great job and welcome to all.

Our Team
President Patrick presented a club fundraising idea for a 52-inch, flat screen television raffle. He proposed that he would front the money to purchase the television and members would sell tickets for $5 each with no more than 1,000 being sold. The club members present thought that sounded like good odds and approved that the club proceed with the project. Tickets will be distributed at the next meeting on September 20.

Linda Jackson reported on visiting with the Middleton Chamber of Commerce and suggested the club look into the Chili Cook-off event on October 8 at the high school with the Booster Club. Members liked the idea for raising awareness and it was suggested that VP Kim Boguslawski might even have a prize-winning chili recipe. Aaron Mitchell will check with the school to see if the Optimist Club can sell raffle tickets at the event.

Speaking of Kim, we missed her being with us, but understand as her husband was preparing to deploy this week. Our positive thoughts go with him and all of our troops as they fulfill their patriotic duties.

The club also discussed the tragic accident that occurred as children were walking to school last week and will offer their help, including crossing guard duty, to the school district.

Finally, the club heard from members Harland and Jennifer Ahyou about their business, MANA, a community service organization that helps at-risk kids find jobs and adapt to social situations and life on their own with a special emphasis on kids who are recently out of foster care or juvenile corrections. MANA is located at 314 W. Main, Middleton.

Other ideas for programs and projects were discussed and will continue as the Middleton Optimist Club decides on their plan of work for the coming year.  Please join us. Ideas are needed. You are needed.  Come see what we are all about on Monday, September 20.  Thank you.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Next Meeting on Monday, September 13

On Monday, September 13, 6:30 p.m., the Middleton Area Optimist Club will have their first official meeting with the newly elected Board of Directors.

Come on out and make the Optimist Club truly your own local, community-oriented group.

Your ideas and enthusiasm are welcome! We hope to see you there.

Please click on the picture to enlarge and print the newsletter.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Introducing the Middleton Area Optimist Club

We did it friends! Yesterday we organized the Middleton Area Optimist Club with 20 charter members. Already this morning we've added two more.  Joining together in service and helping children and our community are what makes an Optimist Club special.  Add in a positive, upbeat attitude with the Optimist Creed and we are off and running!

Congratulations to Patrick Halpin on his election as President of the new Middleton Area Optimist Club.  Joining him on the Board of Directors are:
Estela Cabrera, Secretary/Treasurer
Kim Boguslawski, Vice President
Peter Cabrera, Director
Cathleen Woods, Director
Julie Halpin, Director
Russell Nelson, Director
Jenn Driscoll, Director
Sherin Williams, Director

Joining them as charter members of the Middleton Area Optimist Club are:
Aaron Mitchell
Dave Castro
Amber Dickens
Stacy Nelson
Stacy Thibault
Kendra Greene
Debbie Brunner
Bill Blackburn
Cheryl Blackburn
Florence Blackburn
Larry Blackburn
Jennifer Ahyou
Harlan  Ahyou

More members and ideas are needed to do all the things we envision as a group to serve the Middleton Area.  Please join us today.  Click here for a charter membership application.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Ready, set, go! Organizational Meeting on Wednesday, Sept 1 at 4:00 pm

Great news! We've reached the required number to officially organize the Optimist Club of Middleton, Idaho!  Woohoo!

An Optimist International Field Representative will be in Middleton on Wednesday, September 1 to complete the official paperwork that allows an Optimist Club to receive their charter.  Please join us at 4:00 p.m. at the Sunrise Restaurant so you can be a part of this important day.

Our congratulations and thanks to members:
Russell Nelson
Stacy Nelson
Estela Cabrera
Peter Cabrera
Cathleen Woods
Kim Boguslawski
Aaron Mitchell
Sherin Williams
Betty Ashwell
Dave Castro
Jennifer Driscoll
Patrick Halpin
Julie Halpin
Tammy Macklin
Amber Dickens
Stacy Thibault

New members are always welcome. Charter membership status will remain open until September 30 and our goal is to reach 25 members by that time. Help us help kids by joining today.

Click here for a charter membership application.  

Friday, August 27, 2010

Next Meeting will be Monday, August 30

Ten people gathered at the Sunrise Restaurant this past Monday for an informational meeting about the new Middleton Optimist Club. "We are still in what is considered the building phase," commented Rocky Jackson, Vice President, Optimist International.

During the building phase, potential Optimist Club members meet each other and learn about what an Optimist Club can do in their community and make plans for how they want to participate.  It usually takes about eight of these meetings before the club is actually chartered and begins meeting on its own to plan projects and activities for the community. 

During this time, the club adds members and gathers ideas. With 10 signed members, and 2 more that have agreed to join, the Middleton Optimist Club needs only three more members to be official.

"We don't want to leave anyone out," Rocky continued. "Please join us on Monday, August 30 and help us complete our roster so that we can get to the fun stuff: projects for the Middleton School District and the community at large." 

For more information, please call 208.861.2310
Download the August 27 bulletin here. 

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Next Meeting on Monday, August 23

Please click to enlarge and print
On Wednesday, August 11, ten new members of the Middleton Optimist Club headed to the fields at the Heights Elementary School to meet the parents of some of the young football players. It was great to meet them and talk about how an Optimist Club will benefit the community.

We then returned to the Sunrise for our informational meeting where we discussed how to talk to more people and get others involved. With that in mind, our next official meeting will be:

Monday, August 23
7:00 - 8:00 p.m. 
Sunrise Restaurant 

Members Tammy Macklin, Pat Halpin and Julie Halpin are working on details for a Back-to-School party. If you want to be involved, please call Tammy at 831-233-0153. 

This week we are excited to add Sherin Williams and Aaron Mitchell to our roster.  Only five more members to go before we officially charter the Middleton Optimist Club!

And we also want to send a VERY BIG THANK YOU to Pat Halpin for treating us to pie and coffee.  

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Let's get organized!

Please join us for complimentary pie and coffee/tea/soft drinks 

Please click to enlarge and print.
Patrick Halpin is so excited about what an Optimist Club can do for the children in our community that he is treating everyone to pie on Wednesday, August 11.

Please join us and find out more about some things that we have planned. Better yet, bring an idea and a friend and tell us what you would like to see happen in Middleton and our surrounding communities.

Do you have an idea?  Would you like to get involved? Join us at:

Wednesday, August 11
7:00 to 8:00 p.m.
Sunrise Restaurant, 200 E. Main, Middleton

For just $30 initiation fee, you can help set the direction of this new service club in your community. Please join us and find out more.

The dream of having an Optimist Club to serve the Middleton community will soon be a reality! 
Eight people have joined our club: Dave Castro, Jennifer Driscoll, Patrick Halpin, Amber Dickens, Stacy Thibault, Tammy Macklin, Julie Halpin, Betty Ashwell

On August 11, we hope to officially organize the Optimist Club of Middleton, Idaho. We’ll choose our official name, meeting time and location and elect officers to lead us for the next year.
We’ll also plan our first project:  a back –to-school activity for kids and families so that everyone can experience the fun of an Optimist Club

Please come to the meeting on August 11, 7:00 to 8:00 p.m. and be involved in the planning.  We are looking for 15 members signed and present to make it happen.
See you there!  

Thursday, August 5, 2010

New Optimist Club to officially organize on August 11

The Middleton Optimist Club met on August 4.  With 9 members signed in, they hope to officially organize on August 11, but your help is needed to make this a reality.

Please join us for a FREE pie and coffee/tea social on August 11 at 7:00 p.m. 

Meet your neighbors, talk about positive activities in our community and help us make the Optimist Club a vital service organization that will serve Middleton for many years.  Watch here for more updates.


Please click on the picture to download a membership application.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

August 3: Middleton Optimist Club Newsletter

The dream of having an Optimist Club to serve the Middleton community will soon be a reality! 

Eight people have joined our club:
Betty Ashwell
Dave Castro
Jennifer Driscoll
Debbie Brunner
Patrick Halpin
Amber Dickens
Stacy Thibault
Tammy Macklin

We’re looking at some very interactive projects.  School breakfasts and developing a place for kids to go after school have been discussed as have scholarship, art and internet safety programs. Plus we know that the Middleton Optimist Football players would love to be supported by an Optimist Club at home.

An Optimist Club will not take the place of other organizations in the community.  One will, however, provide extra hands and hearts to fill the needs that we see every day with an emphasis on projects that our members want to do to make Middleton a better place to live, work and raise a family.  

Optimist Clubs have a local focus
Two features that make Optimist Clubs stand apart from any other service organization are:  the degree of independence that local clubs enjoy and the direct involvement or “hands-on” approach that we put into our projects.

Every Optimist Club is unique depending on the community it serves. Some clubs do activities every week.  Some have a monthly schedule and others opt to do really big programs once or twice per year. It is really up to you and how active you want to be in your community.

A few projects coordinated by Optimist International

Optimist Essay and Oratorical Contests – students compete for ninety-six $2,500 scholarships each year

Optimist Junior Golf Championships – six hundred golfers participate in one of the largest junior golf tournaments in the world

Childhood Cancer Campaign – more than $5M has been given to John Hopkins Research Hospital to eradicate childhood cancers. Every club is now encouraged to donate to local causes that serve children with cancer and their families

Do you have an idea?  Would you like to get involved?

We would like to meet you and tell you more at an Informational Meeting:

Wednesday, August 4
7:00 to 8:00 p.m.
Sunrise Restaurant, 200 E. Main, Middleton